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Animation Reel
My Work
Realistic Animations
I gathered a selection of models/rigs adjusting them for more effective use. Realistic animations are a very good way to understand the fundamentals of animations, having to understand the limitations and how things would move in the real world.
The Creature
The Creature is a game I worked on for a game jam that was run by the GDG, the theme was "Learn" and with that in mind me and my group went with controlling a bacteria that tries to escape the scientist experimenting on it in doing so the bacteria gains knowledge through the lab as it escapes. I was tasked with handling the 3D assets like props and characters. I modelled, unwrapped, rigged and animated the models for the game. We went with a sterile yet toony aesthetic with everything fitting with the squishy nature of the bacteria you control. We had one week to make everything and I managed to get a lot done given the small amount of time. We published the game onto you can find it here:
Lucid Dream
I modelled, unwrapped, rigged and animated the characters/assets featured in the game project me and group worked on as part of the Game Dev Bootcamp that was run by the GDG and Creative Alliance. The game follows Ivy who follows her best friend Finn in a whimsical dreamscape. I wanted the animations to reflect the dreamy aspect of our game. Me and my group published the game onto you can find it here:
Meant to Bee
I made a short film called 'Meant to Bee' as part of my final major project for university. It follows a bee pollenating phallic flowers. I modelled and animated each flower using references from the real world like animals and flora. I took reference from jellyfishes, worms and specific flora to give movement to otherworldly plants.
Animation Studies
I want to practise the 12 principals of animation so in my spare time I make character animations ensuring to incorporate each of them. I will act out scenes using them reference when I animate along with getting used to industry software. These are good exercises for me to get used to conveying movement.
Cinematic Scenes/iGaming Experience
I had work experience in constructing 3D backgrounds for an iGame that is set in an apocalyptic world overrun by zombies. In addition to that I also made scenes of my own in Unreal Engine by adjusting/making assets.
Lego Art
In my spare time I modelled, rigged and made the textures for some mini-figures and basic models. Their simplistic nature was a really exercise to understanding the fundamentals yet also taking into account my limitations while focusing on the important details. For the models themselves I looked into how LEGO pieces are made using that to get a good frame of size and how they connect. For the textures I looked into the printing process of LEGO pieces taking note of how they use thick lines to convey simplified versions of otherwise detailed designs and setting up shaders that make it look as if it were printed onto the models.

2D Studies
I practised doing 2D artwork in a range of styles to understand the fundamentals of anatomy and shape language. The different styles allow me to understand the limitations of each one forcing myself to come up with creative solutions when drawing.

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